APEC秘书处行政主任Alan BOLLARD先生在第六届APEC电子商务工商联盟论坛主持高级别讨论

来源:中国国际电子商务网 作者: 2016-06-29 09:50:04

图为APEC秘书处行政主任Alan BOLLARD在第六届APEC电子商务工商联盟论坛主持高级别讨论

【中国国际电子商务网讯】 第六届APEC电子商务工商联盟论坛于6月28日-30日在福建省晋江市举行,论坛主题为“跨境电子商务促进普惠贸易”。本届论坛由亚太经合组织(APEC)和中国商务部主办,中国国际电子商务中心、APEC电子商务工商联盟、晋江市人民政府承办。据悉,该论坛是当前国际电子商务领域由官方主办的顶级论坛之一。APEC秘书处行政主任Alan BOLLARD先生在第六届APEC电子商务工商联盟论坛主持高级别讨论。

Alan BOLLARD表示,全球贸易都在发生改变,电子商务也在这样一个变革的潮流当中,当这些商业联盟的人聚集在一起,我们共同的讨论电子商务的时候,其实我们讨论的并不是传统性的议题,而是一些关税和非关税的壁垒,我们可以看到不同的议题被提出,我们非常期待在今天的讨论上看到一些新的议题。







亚太经合组织(APEC)旨在促进亚太地区内的贸易、投资和可持续的经济增长,其秘书处设在新加坡。阿兰 博拉德博士现任秘书处行政主任,得到了各国领导人和部长的授权,负责通过对APEC各项工作项目的执行推进APEC的议程。



博拉德博士帮助重建著名的英国经济MONIAC液压模型;设计了一个名为“OIKONOMOS”的财政部长扮演的模拟游戏;写了全球金融危机的畅销书:《危机,一个中央银行行长和全球金融崩溃》,出版了一部名为《粗糙的机械》的小说;即将出版著名经济学家Bill Phillips的传记。


Dr Alan Bollard

Executive Director,

the APEC Secretariat,


Dr Alan Bollard is the Executive Director of the APEC Secretariat based in Singapore, the body that promotes trade, investment and sustainable economic growth in the Asia-Pacific. Dr Bollard advances APECs agenda by executing APECs work programmes as mandated by Leaders and Ministers.

Prior to joining APEC, Dr Bollard was the Governor of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand from 2002 to 2012. In that position, he was responsible for monetary policy and bank regulations, helping steer New Zealand through the global financial crisis.

From 1998 to 2002, Dr Bollard was the Secretary to the New Zealand Treasury. As the governments principal economic adviser, he managed the Crowns finances and helped guide economic policy. He has served as New Zealands Alternate Governor to the International Monetary Fund, the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank. From 19942008, he was the Chairman of the New Zealand Commerce Commission. Prior to this from 1987 to 1994 he was Director of the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research.

Dr Bollard has helped rebuild the famous MONIAC hydraulic model of the British economy. He has also designed a computer simulation game called OIKONOMOS where you play at being Minister of Finance. He wrote a best-selling account of the GFC calledCrisis: One Central Bank Governor and the Global Financial Collapse. He has published a novel entitledThe Rough Mechanical. He is about to publish a biography of famous economist Bill Phillips.

Dr Bollard has a PhD in Economics from the University of Auckland. He has since been awarded several honorary doctorate degrees. In 2012 he was honoured as a Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit.
